Category: News

The last mile vehicle for the future!

The watersports of the future – Water powered jet board

Introduction I remember when I was a child I used to watch a show called beyond 2000. It showed us what technology was being developed for the future. I like to think here at Electric Micromobillity that we introduce the world to new technologies for transport but also for recreational purposes as well. You are…
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Electric skateboard motor – How to choose an electric skateboard motor?

Introduction We’ve got to admit that skateboarding is a lot of fun! Especially now that electric skateboards have hit the mainstream, they are more fun than ever before! There’s a language that all skateboarders know extensively. It gives the skateboarder a close connection between his peers and the road – as with the wind that’s…
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The evolution of electric scooters – The path to electric micromobility

Electric scooters have only gained popularity in the last decade or so but it’s origin is quite a story to tell. The evolution of electric scooters is going to take you back to a time when scooters were just a plank of wood with some roller skates for wheels and a wooden handle. Back to…
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Electric skateboard history – The evolution of skateboarding

Introduction I thought I would write a blog about the history of electric skateboarding. This site is dedicated to anything that is electric and one of my favourite things to do in life is skateboarding, so why not write about it aye? In this article, I’m going to start with the history of traditional skateboarding…
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Electric Skateboard Safety – 100% safe most of the time!

  Introduction Electric skateboards are a great way for going from one place to another, and are also a lot of fun. Do I think electric skateboards are dangerous? Yes, if you don’t know the risks that are involved in riding them. But if you’re confident and know the risks then the board can be…
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Alternative to Transportation – The future is now!

    Introduction We live in a world that is continuously evolving in technocracy and development. Our day to day lives are full of technology that is changing the idea on the way we communicate and move around with in a city, so why not go the extra mile and see what alternative to transportation…
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