Electric Skateboard Safety – 100% safe most of the time!

Electric skateboards are a great way for going from one place to another, and are also a lot of fun. Do I think electric skateboards are dangerous? Yes, if you don’t know the risks that are involved in riding them. But if you’re confident and know the risks then the board can be just as safe as a bicycle.
Electric skateboards can go up to a speed of 35 mph and you do NOT want to hit the hard pavement at those sorts of speeds. When someone flies off an electric skateboard it surely has a cause behind the incident. In general, there’s a small minority of skaters who don’t know the basics on riding a skateboard. Many skaters ride beyond their skill level and lose control of the board, running into cars, bikes, pedestrians, skaters or another e-boarder. Other causes for accidents are skating on improper or irregular surfaces with cracks or curb stones.
Most electric skateboards are not ideal to ride in the wet as most of them have slick wheels that slip easily in the rain. Some skaters do not know how powerful this machine really is, which means they go too fast. It is important to know your limits as a skater and also to know the board. If an electric skateboard is small and has small wheels and can go 25mph than I would recommend not exceeding the speed of 18mph as this will give you speed wobbles and you will probably fall if you’re not experienced. A longboard usually has bigger wheels and tend not to speed wobble as much as your centre of gravity is bigger on this type of board.
Another cause of accidents is if the regenerative braking cuts out while riding if the battery is fully charged. This happens because the brakes are charging the battery which causes the ESC to trip and switch off the board while riding.
In this article I am going to discuss electric skateboard safety and safety gear. It is also important to know the basics on how to ride a traditional skateboard properly to be able to ride an electric skateboard.
Start with the basics
If you have ridden a traditional skateboard before, then you should have no problems with getting on an electric skateboard. But if you haven’t, then I highly recommend that you buy a cruiser, trick or longboard skateboard to learn how to skate. This is an important skill to know for electric skateboard safety. Also, make sure that you have decent skate shoes and the board has decent grip tape so you do not slide off the board while riding. I will list a few ideas below on how to get started.
Balance – The most important part of riding a traditional or electric skateboard is balance. The most important part about balance is to work out if you have a goofy or natural stance on the board. One way to check this is to run and suddenly stop while running. The foot that you place first in front usually is an indication which stance you are. If you stop with your right foot in front that usually indicates your stance is goofy. Your right foot should lead on the board with this stance. If you stop running on your left foot then that usually means you stand with your left foot leading on the board which is natural.
One way to practice balance is to place the board on the grass and stand on the board while you bend your knees to create weight for centre of gravity. Do this on the grass first and then on the pavement. Once you have done this, hop on and off the board like a step on the grass; then, once you are comfortable with this, do it on the pavement. The front foot should be on top of the front truck and the back foot should be on the back truck or on the kick tail.
Pushing – Also very important part of traditional skateboarding is learning how to push. This is also important for electric skateboarding as it will savebattery life when you push start the board. You also may even need it when your battery is dead.
To roll on a skateboard you must push on the ground with your foot. New skaters often transfer most of their weight to the ground when they push. This is more like you are walking. When you walk or run each step takes all of your weight and then shifts it back in the next step. While skateboarding, you want to keep your weight and balance on the skateboard at all times. When you push it is better to reach out from the board with your foot and push – like you would if you were paddling in a stream. Practice with your front foot forward on the board and make sure your knee is bent for weight distribution while you’re pushing foot moves far forward and the weight is barely on the surface of the ground.
A great way of practicing a stance is to have one foot on the board on the grass while trying not to fall off the board. Make sure you practice on the grass and try changing your stance from push to roll. This is important while you’re riding your traditional skateboard as it will happen a lot.
Lean Turning – As you can imagine this is important with electric skateboarding as this is the key element of making a turn. Decide whether you want to steer to the left or to the right. If you ride regular (left foot up front), initiate a mild left turn by leaning your weight back over your heels, so that more pressure is put on the rear edge of the deck. Right turns can be performed by leaning over the toes. The general idea is to simply lean in the direction you want to go. The fine-tuned mechanics of the skateboard will take care of the rest. These directions should be reversed for goofy riders (those who place their right foot up front.)
Kick Turning – This is more important for traditional skateboarding as it will help you move away from obstacles in your direction, but it is also important for electric skateboarding if your board has a kick tail. It can be confusing to learn how to do it. Kick turning is when you balance on your back wheels for a moment, and swing the front of your board to a new direction. It takes some balance and some practice. It is important to press the kick tail to lift the front wheels and move the body where you would like to turn. A good way to practice this is to point with your hand in the direction you would like to turn.
Foot Braking – Foot braking is important for electric skateboards as well in case you need to do an emergency stop. All electric skateboards have a regeneration braking system but sometimes the controller may stop working and you will need to do it the old-fashioned way. Let your back foot drag lightly across the ground. First, apply light pressure to the ground with your shoe as you come to a halt. Shift your weight slowly from the front to the back foot. If you want to slow down quickly, apply more pressure with your back foot. Apply even pressure with your foot for a smooth stop. You can also move your non-dominant foot to the back of the skateboard. Lean forward, and keep your weight on the balls of your feet. Your dominant foot should stay near the middle of the skateboard. If you lose balance, lift up your arms to steady yourself. You can also just hop off the board by simply stepping off.
One useful video for beginners is this YouTube video
10 things every beginner should know how to do well
“Learning” how to fall
One important element of Electric skateboard safety is learning how to fall with less or without injuries. This is one subject that is not discussed within the electric skateboard community and is an important element for skating. The most common injuries for electric skateboards are:
Abrasions and bruises.
Hand, wrist, or shoulder injuries.
Head injuries.
Ankle and knee injuries.
There are tricks skateboarders learn to avoid such injuries which are learning how to fall correctly. Learning how to fall reduces potential injuries if you fall off the board. I will explain these techniques further down.
I would like to mention an important aspect of skateboarding in general which is to look ahead and check what sort of terrain you are riding on first. Does the terrain have cracks or bumps? Is it rough and are there any obstacles ahead to avoid? If you are in doubt, slow down or switch the electric skateboard to a different speed level.
Roll out of impact – The best technique to dissipate the force of a fall is to roll into it. By rolling, you convert the force of the fall into the roll which prevents from absorbing it to your body parts. This technique is not easy, however it is very effective. You may practice falling and rolling on a padded surface like grass. Ride the board on the pavement until you hit some grass and roll into it to practice.
Here are Steps to this Technique:
- Start in a low squat position.
- Lean forward and place your palms flat on the ground in front of you.
- Push off the ground with your legs and move your weight forwards.
- Your legs will go over your head.
- Keep your back rounded and gently try to land on your shoulder.
- Let the momentum carry you through the roll and stand up back onto your feet.
It is important to stay loose and relaxed while you learn how to fall as this will help prevent a broken bone or joint. It is also important to spread the force over the body as this will prevent an area from taking most of the damage.
Run off your board – Another important step is running off the board in the first place as this will help you stop and avoid injury. If you feel that you are getting speed wobbles then you should immediately run off the board by jumping forward & running ahead of the board.
Protecting your head – Most deaths are caused through trauma to the head that is why it is important to wear a helmet. However, if you are not wearing one, tuck your chin down and lower your head. Make sure you bring your arms over your head for additional protection.
Protective Gear
Most skateboarders think protective gear is nerdy or uncool, but an electric skateboard goes a lot faster than a traditional skateboard and this is why it is so important for riders and electric skateboard safety. By wearing proactive gear you can eliminate injury.
Full face helmets – If you have an electric longboard skateboard that goes at high speeds then I would recommend wearing a full face helmet. They are designed for speeds over 30 mph and for big impacts. This also provides bigger protection to your chin if you fall off at high speed.
Half shell helmets – This type of helmet is good if you cruise below 20mph. It will provide protection if you fall and will save injury to your head. It is a lot more comfortable to ride with these helmets as opposed to full faced helmets, and also is a great cruising helmet at the beach or whatever.
Elbow, Knee & Wrist pads – They will help prevent injury as they will reduce the impact rate with the joints. The g-form pads are discreet, lightweight and they can be worn under clothing.
Lights & Fluorescent Clothing
Lights – It is important to have decent lights to ride during the night and day. The reason why it is important to have lights on the board is that it makes the board visible to others on the street. It is important to have a red tail light but also front lights as well. Shredlights are built for Electric skateboards and they have different modes for increased visibility. You can place on modes so the lights flash while riding. It is important to also have a light on your helmet as well, as this will help you see while you’re riding at night.
Protective Clothing– You can also buy motorcycle clothing which increases your visibility on the road – plus, the clothing is padded in case you fall. This clothing is also highly visible.
It is important you have the necessary skills while riding an electric skateboard. Make sure that you know the basics before setting foot on an electric skateboard as this board is a lot quicker than a traditional skateboard. It is also important to learn how to fall and wear the correct safety gear, as this will minimise the risk of falling. I highly recommend anybody to take a motorcycle basic training course as this covers basic road safety. They will teach you to check your blind spots while turning and to always look ahead to avoid collisions or accidents. You can transfer this knowledge to electric skateboards if you ride them on public roads.
If you learn these basic skills, then I can guarantee you that electric skateboarding is a very safe hobby – and let’s not forget that it is fun!
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